Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Price of Cotton

According to International Cotton Advisory Committee, the price of cotton has double in the past year, reaching a record high of $1.90 per pound. The last time it was this high was during the Civil War when the price of cotton hit a record $1.89 per pound.

There are several reasons for this price increase. Bad weather in China, Pakistan, Australia and the United States, has destroyed the cotton crops.Restrictions for cotton export from India, which ranks second in the world, is another of the factors affecting cotton price. China, being the first cotton producing country in the world, has shut down many factories due to recession. Global demand for cotton has also driven the price up.

This price increase affects the price of rags also. Some of the products affected are new bar mops and huck towels. Here at RFI Inc. we try to keep the prices at our lowest possible, unfortunately
as you can see in our website, prices for these two items have to be quoted before we ship them.

We will continue to offer the best price and quality of our rags as the market allow us.